Everyone Can Write Beautiful Poetry With Authentic Voice
Like the SoulCollage®️ process, poetry naturally express the soul’s most authentic voice,
and shared, its healing messages are exponential for writer and reader, both.
In this generative poetry workshop, learn some skills of voice as poetic craft and use your SoulCollage® cards as doorways for creating new poems that heal, delight, and surprise you.
Like the SoulCollage®️ process, poetry naturally express the soul’s most authentic voice,
and shared, its healing messages are exponential for writer and reader, both.
In this generative poetry workshop, learn some skills of voice as poetic craft and use your SoulCollage® cards as doorways for creating new poems that heal, delight, and surprise you.
Do you wonder about the elements that make poetry feel accessible and understandable?
How does the poet manage to convey an idea, feeling, or experience with a voice that sounds "real"--something you can imagine saying yourself, but poetically.
Ross Gay's, "Wedding Poem", is a good one for noticing how effective voice (a craft tool) can be causal while using intentional language to create something moving and fun (while breaking "rules" about punctuation! Notice that Wedding Poem is one long stanza and the only period to be found appears after the very last word).
Join me on May 11th to learn more about how to break some rules, render a clear voice, and use your SoulCollage® cards to help you get there. This workshop will help you write one new poem. Come play:
How does the poet manage to convey an idea, feeling, or experience with a voice that sounds "real"--something you can imagine saying yourself, but poetically.
Ross Gay's, "Wedding Poem", is a good one for noticing how effective voice (a craft tool) can be causal while using intentional language to create something moving and fun (while breaking "rules" about punctuation! Notice that Wedding Poem is one long stanza and the only period to be found appears after the very last word).
Join me on May 11th to learn more about how to break some rules, render a clear voice, and use your SoulCollage® cards to help you get there. This workshop will help you write one new poem. Come play:
By Ross Gay Friends I am here to modestly report seeing in an orchard in my town a goldfinch kissing a sunflower again and again dangling upside down by its tiny claws steadying itself by snapping open like an old-timey fan its wings again and again, until, swooning, it tumbled off and swooped back to the very same perch, where the sunflower curled its giant swirling of seeds around the bird and leaned back to admire the soft wind nudging the bird's plumage, and friends I could see the points on the flower's stately crown soften and curl inward as it almost indiscernibly lifted the food of its body to the bird's nuzzling mouth whose fervor I could hear from oh 20 or 30 feet away and see from the tiny hulls that sailed from their good racket, which good racket, I have to say was making me blush, and rock up on my tippy-toes, and just barely purse my lips with what I realize now was being, simply, glad, which such love, if we let it, makes us feel. |
Lisa M. Miller, is a student in the MFA graduate program of the Naslund-Mann School of Creative Writing.
Her full length collection of poetry, Woe & Awe, will be launched through Accents Publishing in the spring/summer of 2024.
Her full length collection of poetry, Woe & Awe, will be launched through Accents Publishing in the spring/summer of 2024.