Shabbat for Women: Spirituality and Mussar
In the tradition of Jewish women gathering in community,
We invite you to join us at Temple Adath Israel , Lexington, KY
Contact Lisa if you have questions: 859-227-4101
In the tradition of Jewish women gathering in community,
We invite you to join us at Temple Adath Israel , Lexington, KY
Contact Lisa if you have questions: 859-227-4101
This women’s-circle, a Jewish Spiritual gathering created by women just for women, is a sacred space for personal exploration in the context of community and sisterhood. It’s open to Jewish community women of all ages from Lexington and the surrounding area.
*Bring: a journal or notebook, a potluck dish to share, and your spirit for heart-full exploration!
What to expect:
*An introduction to Mussar (the fascinating ancient Jewish practice of spiritual exploration)
*A study of what it means to live a “personal curriculum” through one’s life
*A Jewish consideration of the notion that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Because Mussar is meant to be a practice that integrates one’s intellect with heart and soul, we’ll practice some guided meditation in the Mussar tradition and conclude with a community-style celebratory potluck lunch.
About the facilitator, Lisa Miller:
Lisa teaches classes and leads retreats for women across Kentucky, and abroad. She’s an interfaith chaplain, a Mussar group facilitator, and is certified in several mind-body health modalities. Lisa is especially passionate about women’s health as it relates to spiritual, physical, and emotional wellness, and has been facilitating Mussar groups in Lexington since 2010.
Pre Registration a Must:
There is no charge for participation in this women's gathering.
***Please email these completed and confidential registration answers by October 20, to Lisa at: [email protected]. Subject line: Shabbat Women Registration
These questions are designed for your personal exploration as we prepare to gather, and to help Lisa fine-tune the program to suit your needs:
List Your Name, Cell #, E-mail.
What interests you about this gathering?
What is your understanding of the concept of soul.
How do you define spirituality?
How does your definition of spirituality exist in your everyday life, if at all?
*Bring: a journal or notebook, a potluck dish to share, and your spirit for heart-full exploration!
What to expect:
*An introduction to Mussar (the fascinating ancient Jewish practice of spiritual exploration)
*A study of what it means to live a “personal curriculum” through one’s life
*A Jewish consideration of the notion that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Because Mussar is meant to be a practice that integrates one’s intellect with heart and soul, we’ll practice some guided meditation in the Mussar tradition and conclude with a community-style celebratory potluck lunch.
About the facilitator, Lisa Miller:
Lisa teaches classes and leads retreats for women across Kentucky, and abroad. She’s an interfaith chaplain, a Mussar group facilitator, and is certified in several mind-body health modalities. Lisa is especially passionate about women’s health as it relates to spiritual, physical, and emotional wellness, and has been facilitating Mussar groups in Lexington since 2010.
Pre Registration a Must:
There is no charge for participation in this women's gathering.
***Please email these completed and confidential registration answers by October 20, to Lisa at: [email protected]. Subject line: Shabbat Women Registration
These questions are designed for your personal exploration as we prepare to gather, and to help Lisa fine-tune the program to suit your needs:
List Your Name, Cell #, E-mail.
What interests you about this gathering?
What is your understanding of the concept of soul.
How do you define spirituality?
How does your definition of spirituality exist in your everyday life, if at all?