Soul Speak: A Half Day Retreat for Women
Sunday, February 19
In each of us, a spark of the Divine shines through and into our lives;
from the core we are literally and symbolically, "beings of light."
From that place we are compassionate, grateful, talented, wise, calm, peaceful, and present.
At the same time, we human beings are also vulnerable, scared, short-sighted, restless, reckless, and flawed.
And all of it together, though it might seem contradictory, is what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.
It's this very intersection between aspects of self--the wisdom along with the weakness--that make up
the full recipe of human beingness.
Using the SoulCollage® process, this half day retreat will focus on the integration of this human spiritual beingness business, and
a way to see your "flaws" alongside your gifts as equally necessary and holy, in your life.
Sunday, February 19
In each of us, a spark of the Divine shines through and into our lives;
from the core we are literally and symbolically, "beings of light."
From that place we are compassionate, grateful, talented, wise, calm, peaceful, and present.
At the same time, we human beings are also vulnerable, scared, short-sighted, restless, reckless, and flawed.
And all of it together, though it might seem contradictory, is what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience.
It's this very intersection between aspects of self--the wisdom along with the weakness--that make up
the full recipe of human beingness.
Using the SoulCollage® process, this half day retreat will focus on the integration of this human spiritual beingness business, and
a way to see your "flaws" alongside your gifts as equally necessary and holy, in your life.
This Half Day Retreat includes:
*Intuitive exercises to open and deepen your insight
*All take home materials including the making of a Soul Collage® card
*Take-home skills that deepen your continuing integration of your soul and personality traits
*The laughter, inspiration, and transformation that a women’s circle can provide
*A journal and pen
*Your heart for personal exploration and group support
*Intuitive exercises to open and deepen your insight
*All take home materials including the making of a Soul Collage® card
*Take-home skills that deepen your continuing integration of your soul and personality traits
*The laughter, inspiration, and transformation that a women’s circle can provide
*A journal and pen
*Your heart for personal exploration and group support